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Spark Plug Wire Comparison (Fise Bujii)


[Image: wires.JPG]

Spark plug wire comparison between Accel wires, MSD wires, Magnecor wires, Mopar wires, and Granatelli wires.

We're frequently asked, whats the difference between all the wires that are available for my car ? We know it can be confusing, because, other than color of wire, and price, its hard to know which wire is the best quality wire for your money.

Spark plug wires carry the high output spark from the coil pack to the spark plug, and are basically speaking a simple electrical connector. So, the higher quality connector, wiring, and shielding will provide more of your spark from the coilpack, to your spark plug.

One easy way to test a spark plugs conductivity is to test the wire with a OHM meter. Testing a spark plug wire's ohm resistance will display how much resistance there is to the current that passes through the wire.

The lower the number, the lower the resistance, which means that more current will reach the spark plug. The lower the resistance, the better quality conductor materials are used in making the spark plug wires.

Now, onto testing the wires. We will display the wires from top to bottom from lowest resistance to highest resistance. Remember, the lower the number, the better the wire set is. You should be buying the lowest resistance wire set possible.

[Image: granatelliwires.JPG]

Granatelli wires (2 OHMs)

Here we have the Granatelli wires. These wires were the lowest wire OHM resistance wire we have ever tested, at 2 ohms of resistance. Granatelli uses a stainless steel core, wrapped in silver plated copper wiring. This is the highest quality wire we have ever carried, and the wire that we strongly recommend.

[Image: msdwires.JPG]

MSD wires (33 OHMs)

In second place, we have the MSD wire set. Compared to the Granatelli wires in first place, these wires are red in color, and come in at 33 ohms of resistance to the Granatelli wires's 2 OHMs of resistance. The MSD wires are still good quality though. Msd states on their boxes that they use a copper alloy conductor for their wires.

[Image: accelwires.JPG]

ACCEL wires 124 OHMs

In third place, we have Accel wires. These use a copper/alloy wire core, and are has a 8mm silicone jacket. These wires had a cheaper feel, and look compared to the other wires, but still had a great, low resistance.

[Image: moparwires.JPG]

Mopar wires 390 OHMs

Fourth place belongs to the Mopar Performance spark plug wires. We measured these wires to have 390 OHMS of resistance which is quite high, but still acceptable.

[Image: magnecorwires.JPG]

Magnecor wires 1548 OHMs

Fifth place place belongs to the Magnecor wires. Magnecor wires had the highest resistance out of all of the wires we tested, coming in at 1548 OHMS of resistance.

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In afara de MSD, Magnecor restul nu imi suna cunoscuti. Ar fi frumos daca am vedea si alte rezultate cum ar fi de la NGK, Spoon, Nology... si sa fie fisa completa.

Oricum interesant test, poate cei care isi upgradeaza fisele de bujii le-ar putea masura si sa posteze valorile aici Biggthumpup
Honda nu arde uleiul, il foloseste.



Eu vreu sa imi comand niste fise de la ACCEL ca sunt pe buzunarul meu, interesandu-ma de aceasta marca am dat de testele de mai sus.

Am mai gasit ceva ieftin de la VISION de 10.2mm grosime dar care am inteles ca nu sunt prea bune:



Si eu trebuie sa-mi schimb fisele si bujiile iar alea Granatelli imi trag cu ochiul daca au rezistenta asa de mica Confused
Honda nu arde uleiul, il foloseste.



Eu m-am hotarat, imi iau fise Accel de 8mm 300+ Thundersport si delcou transparent ca sa se vada scanteia noaptea Drool , 50 euro ambele:

Part Number 7913Y

Part Number 11069



ciudat.... toata lumea lauda Magnecor si MSD Confused

eu am OEM si NGK sunt arhisuficiente pentru mine.....deocamdata



Depinde si de model, aici au fost testate doar cele de 8mm, mai sunt de 8.8mm si de 10.2mm cu trei fire si cu strat dublu izolator... Fisele stock au doar 7mm la fel ca si cele de la NGK care sunt prea scumpe pt buzunarul meu. Pana la urma nu grosimea conteaza ci materialele care sunt folosite.

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Pana la urma orice e mai bun fata de fisele noastre de zeci de ani Icon_wink din cate imi aduc aminte parca si Honda recomanda schimbarea lor dupa 100mii.
Honda nu arde uleiul, il foloseste.



Iar eu am 200 mii trecuti. Normal se schimba cand cablul nu mai este asa de flexibil adica cand se intareste izolatorul. O sa ma pun sa le masor pe cele OEM cand ajung sa le inlocuiesc. Am trecut pe iridium si vreau sa schimb neaparat si fisele, probabil si delcoul.

Am mai intalnit 2 firme de fise si anume FOCUZ si FOCUS, dar inca nu stiu ce sunt cu ele, probabil ceva no name.



Izolatorul poate sa fie flexibil si cand nu mai e nimic in interiorul lui Icon_lol
Honda nu arde uleiul, il foloseste.



Eu am pus pe masina fisele de la Accel 300+(8,5) si bobina interna tot de la ei . Bujiile sunt NGK iridium.

Am cautat pe net sa vad daca are rost investitia in asemenea produse.Conlcuziile la care am ajuns : Aprinderea stock la honda este prevazuta pentru +200 cp, fisele de pe civicurile noastre vechi de cel putin 14-15 ani se bat cu brio si in multe cazuri bat la fund pe multi.
Fisele OEM sunt produse de compania Sumitomo ... la ceva timp au fost inlocuite in generatia 98-99 de cele produse sub licenta NGK. Bujiile de altfel care au fost echipate masinile sunt NGK ori Denso.

un mic articol sa elucideze ceea ce am spus mai sus .

Micile modificari gen : bobina externa , fise , stabilizator tensiune, bujii iridium etc, nu fac decat se te multumeasca sufleteste ( placebo) ele aducand un aport foarte mic si uneori insesizabil la performanta , majoritatea inseamna mult marketing . Intradevar nu strica mici upgradeuri dar la ce investitia in asemenea lucruri cand noi cerem performanta.

Daca intradevar se vrea performanta moduri gen : bujii non-rezistor ( nkg , denso ,bosch etc) amplificator de frecventa pe descarcare electrica (aquapulser ) ( WTF ) , traseul cat mai scurt al curentului de la sursa la consumator , bobine puternice etc. O sa aveti parte de interferente electromagnetice ( "sa auzi turatia in boxe Icon_biggrin" ) mici neplaceri datorate disconfortului dar eu aici vorbesc strict de performanta .

Pentru masina de zi cu zi niste moduri gen : NGK V-power , o impamantare buna intre motor si caroserie , curatarea contactelor electrice si izolarea lor pot face minuni. Asta este doar un exemplu.

Japonezii in general au dat mare importanta aspectului acesta , majoriatea masinilor ce provin din japonia printre primele moduri apar fisele gen (Spoon , Hot Inazuma/Nology) , Stabilizatoare de tensiune (pivot , Buddy club etc) , kituri impamantare , bujii (HKS , Denso etc).
Poate o sa dezvolt subiectul curand... momentan lucrez la partea de admisie/evacuare Icon_smile



Mare dreptate ai Vali in ceea ce spui dar nu cred ca se asteapta nimeni la performante cand vorbim de bujii si fise dar ele tot trebuiesc inlocuite parte din service-ul masinii.

Si ca tot veni vorba de imbunatatire al sistemul de aprindere pe modele noastre vechi, pentru a avea un randament maxim trebuie sa folosesti bobine independente asta e cel mai bun upgrade dar si cel mai scump.
Honda nu arde uleiul, il foloseste.



M-am uitat mai atent la fisele mele de pe masina si am observat ca pe ultima bujie am Bougicord Class C 600 iar celalalte sunt Sumitomo 1995 LE-E. Probabil utima fisa care este si cea mai scurta a fost schimbata de proprietarul anterior.

Daca tot am vorbit de fise, buji si bobine tin sa va anunt ca cel mai avansat sistem de aprindere este acela care folosete buji pe baza de PLASMA. Din cate stiu eu Lamborghini foloseste acest sistem.

minutu 1:15 Happy

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Exact la asta ma refeream cand enumeram mai devreme modurile ... defapt nu sunt bujii plasma ( asta este o alta gaselnita ) ci doar bujii non rezistor ( sau unele cu aliaje scumpe pentru o conductibilitate cat mai mare) si un amplificator de descarcare.

un link :

si un clip.



Ala este un amplificator, cum am spus si mai sus: cea mai buna solutie este cu bobina pe fiecare bujie (coil pack) in acest fel elimini distribuitorul cu totul.
Honda nu arde uleiul, il foloseste.



Am primit fisele si le-am comparat intre ele:

Accel (Accel 300+ Thundersport) 8mm 200 Ohm Nou
Bougicord ( 600 CLASS C-1 "1997 " ) 7mm 700 Ohm Folosit
Sumitomo ( Z-16 LE-E "1995 " ) 7mm 1080 Ohm Folosit



La cat sunt de vechi alea nici nu au rezistenta asa de mare. Trebuie sa le masor si pe ale mele de curiozitate.
Honda nu arde uleiul, il foloseste.



Cu cat fisele sunt mai scurte cu atat au o rezistenta mai mica, am observat din masuratori dar e si logica treaba.

Sincer sa fiu, de cand am schimbat fisele si delcoul, motorasul e ceva mai spinten iar timpul de raspuns la accelerare e mai scurt. Fara efect placebo ...



Am mai dat de ceva fise impreuna cu rooth si anume Vision cica scot tot 2 OHM ca si Granateli, i le-am comandat iar peste 14 zile o sa il rog sa ne spuna mai multe despre ele:

Vision Motorworks is the First Company to Introduce the First Wire Sets of 10.2mm Spiral Core Spark Plug wires Designed to be Used with High Performance Spark Plugs, Copper,Iridium or Platinum . These Wires Features a special Aramid Stainless Steel fiber core designed to provide peak electrical conductivity and Static free reception when used with Regular , Copper , Iridium or Platinum Spark Plugs .

The 10.2mm Spiral Core Wires consist of six Layers of materials, To Optimize the performance of the ignition wire set . They are made of a Pure Silicone Jacket , Fiberglass Braiding, Pure Silicone , High Conductive wire, Magnetic tube and kevlar/Fiberglass composite core.

The benefits of Our Spark Plug Wires include increased HP, Easier starts, less carbon build up and better fuel comsumption. Resistance of 0.02l Ohms is the lowest ever without compromising R.F.I And E.M.I. Dyno Tested and Race Proven

Vision Motorworks Spark Plug Wires Are made with a exclusive , industry leading , spiral inner core designed to take advantage of the latest in spark plug technology. They are manufactured to work best with the latest iridium and Platinum plugs available today and will also perform good with regular Oem spark Plugs .
Vision Motorworks Spark Plug wires Also are a good Alternative for Oem replacement wire and will perform better than the regular stock wires in your vehicle. No other Spark Plug wire set will work as well iridium spark plugs as the Vision Motorworks wires will. They will transfer the highest amount of spark energy possible while mantaining the critical RFI Supression that Modern vehicles need .

These are not the average wires most other sellers are selling. This is a true high performance wire with a spiral core and a very low impedance rating. They feature a 10.2MM outer core made of PURE SILICONE with a KEVLAR INNER CORE for the ultimate in strength and heat resistance.

Vision Motorworks is one of the Leader Manufacturers of high Performance Spark Plugs wires in the Industry . Our Wires are Made Using Only the Best Materials Available in the Industry . Our Wires are Comparable in Quality with More Expensive Wires like MSD ,MAGNECOR , TAYLOR and Many Others.

Vision Motorworks Wires Features :

10.2mm 100% Silicone for Heat Resistance and durability
Low Impendance Spiral Core for the Ultimate in Conductivity
Lowest Resistance wire Available in the Industry
Manufacturers Lifetime Warranty
[Image: vision_motorworks_logo.gif]

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sper sa vin si eu cu un feddback de la NGK albastre Icon_wink


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