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Hmmm...interesting, oare chiar functioneaza?
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150 lire pt 10 saibe...cam mult
Invidia Injen Weapon-R Eibach Drag Wheels Skunk2 Magnat
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Daca as avea cotele le-as putea face la Sibiu, este o fabrica care lucreaza in aluminiu si inox si face cam orice, repede si foarte bine.
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22-01-2011, 16:07
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2011, 16:25 by DeN1gRator.)
la asta m-am gandit si eu, aici in cj e ceva fabrica ce face flanse/distantiere din alu/otel pt branduri mari, daca aveam cote....
Invidia Injen Weapon-R Eibach Drag Wheels Skunk2 Magnat
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22-01-2011, 17:09
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2011, 17:32 by dragostan.)
m-as baga si eu la asta, daca e vorba de group buy. din ce inteleg eu ne trebuie 4 saibe de masina nu?
edit: m-am elucidat, e kit special pt fiecare masina.
Accord CL7 2.0 exec MT Arctic Blue Pearl
ex-Civic 5D 1,8 exec MT Milano Red
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22-01-2011, 17:19
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2011, 20:19 by DeN1gRator.)
Majoritatea forumurilor de japoneze viueste cu saibele astea de la spoon , cred ca in curand vom avea cotele  . Din punctul meu de vedere nu este asa , ei arata doar un surub din cele 4/6 care prind puntea de sasiu si nu cred ca in asemenea hal se poate misca , ganditi-va ca din cauza vibratiilor si a torsiunnii din cauza drumului suruburile nu ar trebui sa reziste la momentul maxim de torsiune. Este doar parerea mea.
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Nici eu nu cred ca se misca asa tare cum arata ei, acolo surubul nici nu era strans si vorba lui Vali cand sunt mai multe suruburi miscarea e redusa aproape la minim.
Eu zic ca fac un pic de treaba dar nu pentru banii aia.
Honda nu arde uleiul, il foloseste.
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22-01-2011, 17:52
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2011, 20:20 by DeN1gRator.)
Ei, normal, sarim peste partea de marketing (suruburile alea daca sunt stranse BINE nu au cum sa se miste) oricum e vorba de mai multe zone cu tolerante care insumate pot cauza probleme. Daca face Vali rost de cote ne-am scos.
Invidia Injen Weapon-R Eibach Drag Wheels Skunk2 Magnat
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interesanta treaba dar mi se pare enorm sa dai £149.85 +£29.97 taxe + £88 transport pt 8 saibe...cred ca cel mai bine e cum aflam cotele sa le facem noi
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04-10-2012, 17:20
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 17:33 by kinky_boy.)
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Nu e de mirare ca a iesit Tegiwa cu o copie
Oricum sunt tot scumpe pentru mine.
Sent from my Slimed i9000
Honda nu arde uleiul, il foloseste.
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cred ca la crx-uri si alte modele vin oem sau ceva asemanator care are acelasi rol....
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si la eight speed acum pentru ep3 si lte modele se pare
In stock now are these simple little items:
These are machined steel 'top hats' that slot in to the holes in the subframe where the main fixing bolts go through and into the body. These collars are a push fit and lock the subframe into position and totally square. This prevents any possible movement of the subframe when under load and ensures that if the subframe has to be removed for any reason it will be re-fitted in precisely the same position.
These are a simple fit and ideal if you are having a clutch fitted or getting the geometry adjusted.
Price is £35.00 inc vat plus £3.15 delivery with Recorded mail.
I also have stock for the earlier Honda's too
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daca era sa fie dupa ei pana acum pierdeam jumate de masina ...din cate stiu is ceva probleme cu prezoanele de la subsasiul 5D 1.8