I received an email a little while ago from Almir Delic. He had come up with an Excel spreadsheet to help him calculate what he needed to get the toe settings he wants. It was a great idea! So I took his thoughts and expanded his original Excel sheet. I've included it here for you. Fill in the red fields with your known values, and the green fields are calculated for you to measure on the car. I hope it makes things easier - but there are a lot of fields to consider.
Here's a field-by-field explanation. If the field wants mm, but you have inches - simply multiply by 25.4. If the field wants inches, but you have mm - then simply divide my 25.4.
"inch diameter wheels" (red) : enter the diameter of your wheels, in inches.
"mm front track" (red) : enter the front track of the car (wheel-center to wheel-center) in mm. Can usually be found on Carpoint
"mm rear track" (red) : enter the rear track of the car (wheel-center to wheel-center) in mm. Can usually be found on Carpoint
"mm front rim plane to centercap" (red) : looking in the plane perpendicular to the ground, and flat with the outside of the wheel, most wheels have a rim that sticks out further than the centercap. Put the level across the outer rim, and measure how deeply set the centercap is in mm. If the centercap sticks out past the rim, this value should be negative.
"mm rear rim plane to centercap" (red) : looking in the plane perpendicular to the ground, and flat with the outside of the wheel, most wheels have a rim that sticks out further than the centercap. Put the level across the outer rim, and measure how deeply set the centercap is in mm. If the centercap sticks out past the rim, this value should be negative.
"mm to rope from front center" (green) : measuring from the front wheel centercap to the string parallel to the car in mm. Move the string such that it meets this value. (Note that moving the rope on either end requires rechecking at the other).
"mm to rope from rear center" (green) : measuring from the rear wheel centercap to the string parallel to the car in mm. Move the string such that it meets this value. (Note that moving the rope on either end requires rechecking at the other).
"deg of FRONT toe in (+) or out (-) PER SIDE (red) : toe is measured different ways - either with an absolute measurement (such as X mm of toe) or with an absolute per side measurement (such as Y mm of toe per side) or using an angular measurement (such as Z degrees), or using an angular measurement per side (such as Z/2 degrees). The best is using the degrees (or in our case, degrees per side - which is just total degrees divided by 2), since the mm/inch measurements change depending on how far from the wheel center you measure them. For TOE IN, put a positive angle, and for TOE OUT, put a negative angle. If you have per-side or overall toe absolute measurements, simply adjust the angle until the boxes for "mm of TOTAL toe in (+) or out (-)" or "mm of PER-SIDE toe in (+) or toe out (-)" match what you want.
"deg of REAR toe in (+) or out (-) PER SIDE (red) : toe is measured different ways - either with an absolute measurement (such as X mm of toe) or with an absolute per side measurement (such as Y mm of toe per side) or using an angular measurement (such as Z degrees), or using an angular measurement per side (such as Z/2 degrees). The best is using the degrees (or in our case, degrees per side - which is just total degrees divided by 2), since the mm/inch measurements change depending on how far from the wheel center you measure them. For TOE IN, put a positive angle, and for TOE OUT, put a negative angle. If you have per-side or overall toe absolute measurements, simply adjust the angle until the boxes for "mm of TOTAL toe in (+) or out (-)" or "mm of PER-SIDE toe in (+) or toe out (-)" match what you want.